Apr 18, 2017

Corporate Account Opened Remotely With An Established Barbadian Bank With No Deposit Minimum And Range Of Investment Opportunities And Accounts In Multiple Currencies.

Opening a non-resident corporate account with this bank in Barbados on your own will be very difficult. Let the international banking professionals at the Offshore Pro Group assist and guide you so that your account can be set up. This Barbadian bank offers a lot of advantages including:

  • Bank is established and fully regulated
  • Remote opening of your corporate account will ensure that visits to Barbados are not necessary
  • You can hold multiple currencies in your corporate account
  • Strong asset management service and several investment opportunities
  • You will not be required to make a minimum deposit
  • Internet banking service allows account viewing

Get started right now so that you can quickly open your new offshore corporate account in Barbados with this bank. Send us an email today [email protected] and we will take immediate action and provide you will all of the expert help that you will need to open your new account. So that we can provide the most professional service to you we will require that you tell us all about your situation. Please do this by responding in full to the confidential questionnaire that is on this page This Is How You Should Choose The Offshore Corporate Account That Will Fulfil Your Requirements.

The International Banking Jurisdiction Of Barbados

Barbados is a sovereign island country that is located in the Lesser Antilles, and these form part of the Americas. It is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy and has a current population of more than 280,000 people. The GDP per capita of Barbados is now at $15,912 and the country uses the Barbadian Dollar (BBD) as its official currency. English is the official language of the country.

The country has undergone a tremendous transformation since it became independent. It used to have a low income economy and was reliant upon sugar production. Now it is classified as an upper middle income nation with an economy that has tourism as its best revenue generating sector.

These days Barbados can be found on the list of high income countries published by the World Bank. The development of the financial and offshore banking sector has resulted in an influx of foreign investment into this mixed and open economy. The Barbadian economy is stable and experiencing growth and the nation is also politically and socially stable.

Complying fully with international banking standards has long been the aim of the Barbadian government and they have taken a number of steps to achieve this. Financial transparency has been embraced for a long time now and Barbados has agreements with several countries to exchange tax related details. The Automatic Exchange of Information policies of the OECD have been publically endorsed by the government of Barbados, and it is also working closely with the United States of America to abide by the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

There is a low tax regime in Barbados and the country is determined to keep this. International companies and high net worth individuals are attracted by these low taxes, and this provides advantages to the local community as well as the world economy as a whole. The country of Barbados has always enjoyed a fine reputation for its offshore banking services.

The banking regulator of Barbados is the Central Bank of Barbados. The primary objective of the Central Bank is to ensure that banking is safe in the country and is sustainable in the future. To this end, a stringent regulatory framework has been established to ensure that banks comply with the financial laws and remain robust. The recommendations of the Basel Committee have been used to construct this regulatory framework.

The Central bank is responsible for the forming of financial legislation as well as banking regulations. Banks in Barbados are regularly inspected and closely monitored by the Central Bank to be sure that their operations are safe and that they are abiding by the financial laws of the nation. Assessment of financial risks such as liquidity ratios are made with these inspections.

The Central Bank ensures that the tough financial laws are adhered to by financial institutions and banks so that investors can be afforded maximum protection. The economy of the country is robust and growth has continued over the last few years. The nation is also socially and politically stable. These are all good reasons why Barbados is a good jurisdiction choice for the safeguarding of your assets and their enhancement and diversification.

Why You Should Choose This Offshore Bank In Barbados For Your Corporate Account

This leading independent provider of investment management and general banking services has been servicing the needs of corporate clients since 1996. A strong investment group located in Central Europe owns this bank. The investment group focuses on asset management and investment banking and has grown every year since its inception and now has billions of Euros (EUR) in assets.

The bank can provide a number of corporate services as well as investment management solutions to the owners of international businesses. The management of wealth is offered on a customized basis, and they have a comprehensive range of company services to meet the needs of business clients.

When you use the wealth management services of the bank you will receive a tailored service that is very high quality as this is a true commitment of the bank. The bank has established a network across the world of the best financial experts and they are all connected by using the most modern technology. Because of this the bank can provide you with the very best investment options for the diversification and growth of your assets.

Along with the asset management service there are taxation efficiencies to be gained. You can always be sure that your capital will be protected at this bank due to the strict laws and the strong regulation from the Central Bank. This bank is totally committed to adhering to all financial laws such as anti money laundering. It chooses its clients carefully and has tightened up its Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures.

Clients are the most important asset of the bank and as soon as your corporate account is up and running you will be assigned a relationship manager. The prime responsibility of the relationship manager is to work closely with you and create a long lasting relationship. A frank discussion on your business goals and long term financial aspirations will take place, and afterwards the relationship manager will work with other experts at the bank to recommend financial products and services that will assist in the achievement of your goals.

Services For Your Corporate Account That Can Be Provided By This Bank In Barbados

Remote opening of a non resident corporate account is possible with this bank in Barbados with the assistance of the Offshore Pro Group. Travelling to Barbados to meet with officials from the bank will not be necessary prior to you account being confirmed. Once you have opened your new corporate account you can take advantage of the corporate services, investment management services and other services this bank in Barbados will offer.

This bank in Barbados leads the way when it comes to providing investment services, trust services and other banking services that are customized to meet the needs of each corporate client. You will have total choice over which services that you choose to use and this includes global investment opportunities and the degree to which you are involved with the management of your portfolio.

With investment management this bank has a very good track record and you will be provided with sound advice that is totally independent. Your relationship manager will arrange for a discussion on all aspects of your finances which will include your risk tolerance. A policy statement for you as an investor will be created and a financial strategy developed from this that will fulfil your investment requirements.

You will be recommended an asset mix and a portfolio structure to best serve your needs. With the banks connections to over 1000 money management firms, you can be sure that the very best options will be selected. There will also be the opportunity to invest in mutual funds run by some of world’s best investment managers.

There are a number of corporate services on offer and these include management, business planning and taxation planning. The bank can advise you on the right offshore corporate structure for your needs. If you require accounting services then a team of experienced accountants and administrators will be available to you.

Your corporate account will be able to hold several major currencies of the world which means that you will not require separate accounts. If you need credit cards to provide efficient and convenient purchasing power then these can be applied for. An overview of your non resident corporate account is provided by the bank’s secure online banking service from any location and at any time.

To open your international corporate account this bank in Barbados will not require you to make a minimum opening deposit. The bank will expect you to make an incoming transfer within the first three weeks of your corporate account being opened to cover all of the payable commissions. You will not be asked to keep your account balance at a minimum figure. We do advise that it is a good idea to keep a level of funds in your account to ensure that any bank charges can be paid.

For your corporate account upkeep, and also for all of the transactions that you make, the bank will charge commissions and often these can be changed. Make contact with your Offshore Pro Group consultant who will supply the very latest commission charges for this bank. The consultant can also provide help to you in securing preferential bank charges.

If You Follow This Step By Step Action List Precisely Then Your International Corporate Account Will Be Opened Without Issue

It is very important that you follow the step by step instructions below in the right order to open your Barbadian offshore corporate account:

  1. Please contact us at the Offshore Pro Group first. This is done through sending an email to this address [email protected] After your email is received here we will start with the provision of expert advice and guide you through the process of getting your corporate account established. In order for us to provide you with the most professional service we will require further information from you. The second action is to provide full answers to our confidential questionnaire that can be found here The International Banking Professionals Explain How To Choose The Very Best Offshore Corporate Bank Account.

When you have only a single offshore corporate account you will face risks that can be avoided. The best way to avoid these risks is the opening of a second international corporate account and all is explained on this page a single offshore corporate account can be risky and these are the reasons you should consider an additional account.

  1. Our international banking experts will guide you all the way to successfully setting up your new offshore corporate account with this Barbadian bank. To receive our expert services please send a single payment to us of 2999 EUR. Bitcoin, Western Union, Web Money, bank transfer, Money Gram and credit cards are all ways in which the payment can be sent to us.
  1. You will need to send a number of documents that are in English (translations that are notarized will be accepted) to satisfy the bank’s KYC procedure for opening a corporate account. Please provide the following:
  • The name of the corporate entity
  • Principal place of business and registered office
  • Mailing address
  • Contact telephone and fax numbers
  • Beneficial owner(s) 1) Two forms of certified photo bearing identification. The information should extend as far as practicable, to identifying those who ultimately own and control the company and should include anyone who is giving instructions to the licensee to act on behalf of the company 2) Professional reference letter 3) Bank reference letter 4) Proof of address 5) Source of funds 6) Contact information
  • Directors and Officers 1) Two forms of identification with photograph 2) Proof of residential address 3) Character reference letter and CV
  • Authorized signatories must supply 2 forms of identification that include photos
  • Description and nature of the business
  • Purpose of the account, origin of funds and expected account value and the account activitiy estimated
  • Certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, authenticated where the entity incorporated is outside of Barbados
  • Certified copy of the Memoranduim and Articles of association (or equivalent)
  • By laws and any other relevant corporate documents filed with the Register of Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property or its equivalent
  • Certificate of Good Standing or its equivalent
  • Board resolution authorizing the opening of the account and conferring authority on signatories to the account
  • Recent financial information (example management accounts) or audited statements
  • Statement of Facts memorandum
  • Letter of Instruction and Indemnity

Please send over all of these documents to the Offshore Pro Group where they will be carefully examined before fast forwarding to the Barbadian bank. As soon as the bank is happy with the documentation it will take them up to 5 business days to have your new international corporate account ready for you to start using.

All that is required for you to begin your application for a non resident corporate account with this bank in Barbados is for you to connect with us using email [email protected]